Welcome to our latest bespoke feature

AmDram Show Manager

The best way to enter and display your productions!

Built specifically for amdram societies to show off a complete history of your shows - and shows to come! 

Displays lists of past shows and forthcoming shows, which can be searched and filtered, plus a Person Search to display everything any member has done!

Each show is displayed in a handsome, professional way - choose from three different templates. 

Step One

  • Enter details of your show, as much or as little as you have available, on a simple form.
  • Available fields are: Show, Category, Dates, Artwork (poster), Synopsis, Crew, Cast, Company, Photos, Reviews, Awards.
  • Instruction and information is already set up to guide you and save you time.
  • Crew, Cast and Company names are in dropdown lists, so you only need to enter a person's name once. Also applies to award nominees and winners. 

Step Two

There is no Step Two! That's all you have to do for each production!

Your productions will now be displayed in attractive lists, automatically sorted into either past productions or forthcoming productions, depending on the dates. When the show has finished, it is automatically moved from forthcoming to past productions. No need for you to update the site! 

The past productions list can be filtered by category and searched by name. When a show is clicked, it is displayed in full on its own page; photos are displayed in a nice slideshow, Reviews are displayed in collapsible panels to save space and a dropdown list of shows is displayed at the top so you don't have to keep clicking back to the original list. Any awards are shown in full and neatly summarised as stars at the top of the page (and in the past productions list too!).

It's fully searchable too!

Because all the details you enter are captured in a database, not only can you search for shows, but for people too! The Person Search facility allows you to click on any person's name and you get a full list of every show they have appeared in, as crew, cast, company and/or award nominee/winner. It's like your society's own mini IMDb! (Your members are going to love this!)

And there's more...

  • Three different templates are included to display each of your shows.
  • It's easy to add new people during the set-up of each production.
  • If someone changes their name, the new name can be added; the historical name on the show page will not change and the Person Search will find and display everything for that person, regardless of which name was used. 
  • The Crew, Cast and Awards can be reordered using drag and drop.

*AmDram Show Manager is built using Fabrik - the Joomla application development tool

Try it out now!

Head over to our demo site and see how the Show Manager might look on your site!